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Singing in the Nest






Jan 2023 |Taipei ,Daan District









       構樹是臺灣原生的先驅植物,也是南島文化出台灣說的一個重要知線,生命力旺盛、適應性強。就像漂流的種子在都市中的空地、路邊,甚至大樓間的小空隙都能見到。分裂自己萌孽、落籽成為一個遮陰的樹林。為未來要生長出的植物動物預備環境。待其他樹木草植生態在林陰育苗完成  我們開始解構自己的身體  讓新生植物以我們為養分。取代我們立佇在這片土地上。我們不是消逝。是用別的樣貌繼續共生,我就在你之中,而你也在我的巢裡詠唱著這片地方。 

|2023臺灣燈會在台北  藝術裝置|


策展單位:原物創意 OIC


Paper mulberry is an indigenous plant of Taiwan. Its strong vitality and adaptability serve as an important knowledge line supporting the "Austronesian out of Taiwan" theory. Paper mulberry, just like drifting seeds, is ubiquitous in an open spaces in the city, side of a road, or even in the small gaps between buildings. Split itself into sprouts, and the seeds fall, then turn into a shady wood, preparing an environment for the plants and animals to be grown. After the other trees and grasses grew in the shade, we deconstructed our bodies and let the newborn plants feed us. Replace us in this land. We did not vanish. We just continue to co-exist in other forms, I am among you, and you are singing for this place in my nest.

There is a place in everyone's heart that belongs to the motherland. No matter how far you drift, there will always be an invisible red umbilical cord on your body that connects to your motherland from afar. The passage of cord connects thoughts and safety; people leave their communities due to, for example, work and education, and sometimes they cannot make it to participate in the traditional festivals. The longing in their hearts is like anxiety felt by the homesick swallows wanting to return home; the invisible thoughts are transformed into shape. The fan shape is like a bird flying, forming a circle extending outward from the center, guarding the mother who nurtures you; no matter how far you drift, the umbilical cord of longing will always fly home with you inch by inch. The shape of the arched tunnel symbolizes a womb, and many fan-shaped bark cloths are arranged in pairs, just like birds nesting or slate houses piled up into a home, becoming the seeds of the eggs. The seeds take root and grow into trees, and the tree regenerates the seeds. It represents the vitality of the natural environment and symbolizes the wisdom and spiritual determination for culture. The easy-to-understand arrangement conveys western culture's impact on modern Austronesian culture and many future generations of the Austronesian region gradually forget about their culture. Through an intimate connection with nature, enter the wisdom and spirit of ancient ancestors. Let the land and culture continue endlessly. We are all this seed to take root and grow in our own land. We are like the sound of beating a bark cloth, trying hard to emit an earthquake in this society to keep our original appearance; even if different generations knock us into something, we still sing loudly and symbiotically in different ways. The song will change shape, pass down during the turbulence of generations. We are all loud seeds of inheritance.

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